Website Manager

AYSOU Training Access

To Access AYSOU

  • You will need to wait one business day after submitting your volunteer application or updating your account password, before you can access the AYSOU website (systems refreshes overnight).
  • After waiting one day, log in at with your volunteer login, and click Home to return to the homepage.
  • Click on the link to AYSOU from the homepage toolbar.
  • Log into AYSOU with the same username and password as for your volunteer account at This will establish the link between your volunteer account at and your account at so that your course certificates sync with your volunteer profile. 
  • It is recommended to always access the AYSOU site through the link on the homepage when completing the AYSO training courses.


Adult Volunteer Role Descriptions & Training Requirements

  • Coach
  • Team Manager
  • Referee

Youth Volunteer Role Descriptions & Training Requirements

  • Youth Referee
  • VIP Buddy
  • Summer Camp Volunteer


Time Commitment

2-4 hours per week during the season.

AYSO Coach Requirements

  1. Annual Background Check
  2. AYSO's Safe Haven Training (online)
  3. CDC: Concussion Awareness Training (online)
  4. Coach Certification - by division (online & in-person)

Training courses are available to all AYSO volunteers for free on the AYSOU Online Learning Resources website.

Youth Referee Program

The Youth Referee Program in Region 372 was launched to answer the growing demand for referees and to provide a leadership opportunity for young people in our community.

Girls and boys ages 12-17 take the required referee training courses which certify them to officiate as assistant or center referees. These youth referees meet the same certifications as adults. 

Prospective youth referees are welcome to attend any Basic Referee class; training classes near the start of the fall and spring seasons so that new youth referees can be trained for the upcoming season. 

A mentor accompanies youth referees to their initial games. There is an opportunity for additional training to cover games in the U12 and U14 Divisions as well as to be assistant referees (run the lines) for games. AYSO guidelines establish that a youth referee should typically be at least two years older than the Division he or she is officiating as the center referee.  (For example, a twelve-year-old youth referee  may be the center referee for a U10 game.)  

The program has multiple benefits:

  • Inspires younger players, giving them role models to look up to
  • Young people participating in the Youth Referee program get a chance to do community service and a unique opportunity for intellectual and emotional growth.
  • Helps relieve the shortage of U10 referees
  • Gives our youth a chance to “graduate” to acting as (paid) assistant referees for Northwind games (see the website for current Northwind AR fees)


Although we expect the best behavior from everyone toward all referees, it is simply forbidden to criticize a youth referee. There is NO TOLERANCE FOR NEGATIVE COMMENTS TO OR ABOUT YOUTH REFEREES (or any other game officials, for that matter) at any time before, during, or after games.

Anyone who does so will be asked to leave the game vicinity by the center referee, and the Regional Board may also choose to enact further sanctions.

These youth referees are well trained, and many are also experienced players; however they are still youngsters without the life experience to handle negative remarks. Please give each your full support and help model good behavior for others to follow.


Thank you for your cooperation in this exciting program. Have a great season! For more information on the Youth Referee Program, please contact: Bob Pechtl [email protected]

AYSO Referee

Time Commitment

2-4 hours per week during the season.

AYSO Referee Requirements

Adult and youth referees complete the same training courses.

  1. Annual Background Check (adult volunteers only, youth volunteers do not submit a background check)
  2. AYSO's Safe Haven Training (online)
  3. CDC: Concussion Awareness Training (online)
  4. AYSO Regional Referee Certification -  (online & in-person).


Time Commitment

2 hours per week during the season.

AYSO EPIC Buddy Requirements

The EPIC Buddy is a Youth Volunteer role.

  1. AYSO's Safe Haven Training (online)
  2. CDC: Concussion Awareness Training (online)
  3. VIP Buddy Training (in-person)

Training courses are available to all AYSO volunteers for free on the AYSOU Online Learning Resources website.

AYSO Region 372 EPIC Program Director - Valerie Walker [email protected]

Team Manager

The team manager has a very active role in helping with the team. You serve as a vital communication link between the coaches, parents, and the players. By helping the coach with all the extra details, you help the team to function well and leave the coach free to instruct the players.

Being the team parent helps the team have a great season. You should delegate whenever possible, people like to be included. Many times, parents are just waiting to be asked to help. Just as the players must work together as a team to be successful, the parents will find more satisfaction if they too become involved and work together for the Team’s benefit.

We thank you in advance for creating the best possible experience for your players, their parents, and your coaches. Please feel free to contact the coach and administrators with any questions or issues that may arise throughout the season.

Overview of Team Parent Activities

Prior to Regular Season
Prepare snack schedule
Communication of practice and game schedule
During Regular Season
Help with team Pictures
Communication between Club, Coach and Parents 
End of Regular Season
Plan team Party
Organize Coach gifts
Pick up trophies

Contact Us


AYSO Region 372, PO Box 783
Mundelein, Illinois 60060

Email Us: [email protected]